Transform Relationships and Results One Conversation at a Time
People Want Feedback. And They Need it to Grow.
Feedback is a crucial communication skill. But fear of getting it wrong often holds us back from speaking up. When facing a challenging conversation at work, you may be thinking, “What if my feedback causes a meltdown—or they quit?”
While it’s tempting to avoid that discussion, that’s not the solution. Leaders have a responsibility to find a way to connect with their employees and others in an artful, compassionate, and courageous manner that transforms relationships and results.
With over three decades as a human resource professional and executive coach, the #1 question Joan Hibdon gets asked is this: “I need to give someone feedback, but I don’t know what to say. What do I do?”
The Leader's Guide to Mastering Feedback offers answers to that question. With empathy and insight born of experience, Hibdon shows us exactly why, how, and when to offer feedback to achieve the results we want.
Discover how to:
Create the optimal environment for feedback.
Remain heart-centered during difficult conversations.
Offer the right feedback, to the right person, at the right time.
Packed with real-life stories, proven practices, research, and reflections, you will learn how to put feedback back where it belongs—at the center of a thriving workplace.
“Joan hit the mark! As a leader, providing feedback to your team is one of the most valuable things you can do. Clarity on direction and expectations is a cornerstone for senior leaders. The ultimate goal is ensuring your team knows what’s expected so they can execute against it. Over the past 35 years I have learned there are no straight lines. Companies and people tend to tack left and right like sailboats as they move toward their goals—and the only way you can reach your destination is with honest, constructive and frequent feedback.”
David Mattson, CEO, Sandler
“We are all being impacted by rapid technological advances in the workplace and beyond, and perhaps the most important capability that will separate us from our machines is our ability to give timely, honest, caring, and constructive feedback. Joan’s real-life stories peppered throughout the book inspire confidence for even a first-time leader. The Leader’s Guide to Mastering Feedback is a must-read for every leader aspiring to create a thriving, high-performance team and foster a culture of growth and human flourishing.”
Brian Mohr, Co-Founder & CEO, anthym
“This book is a valuable guide and reference for those who want to learn the art of giving feedback. Joan, through her personal stories and deep wisdom, has created a roadmap for you to become masterful at giving feedback. You will get your voice heard gracefully—just as Joan does.”
Lynne Brown, Executive Coach/Consultant
“The Leader’s Guide to Mastering Feedback is an extraordinary work that will undoubtedly leave a profound and lasting impression on leaders who dare to take their teams to new heights. It is an essential read for any leader who values excellence, growth, and the extraordinary power of feedback.”
Dan Perez, President & CEO, Subrosa Investigations
“Every leader at every level needs to read this book. Joan has built the bridge over the feedback chasm that we all suffer from and that only seems to grow wider through our discomfort when giving or receiving feedback. This very clear ‘how-to’ book will completely change your attitude around giving and receiving feedback. Masterfully done.”
Michael Norton, Executive Vice President, Sandler Enterprise Division
“I have been teaching leaders around the world the importance and impact of delivering critical feedback for years. I can attest to the immense impact of feedback on the growth and success of a team. This book is a gamechanger, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to any leader who aspires to make a lasting difference in the people they work with. Joan has woven together a unique reading experience that is bolstered by research as well as experiences. Critical feedback is so named because it references both critique and importance. Unfortunately, many leaders shy away from it because they don’t know how to do it confidently. Joan has given the business world a much-needed tool to enhance the efficacy and confidence of delivering important feedback.”
Eric M. Bailey, Bestselling Author and Organizational Psychology Professional
“What a gift! Joan’s brilliance is certain to transform our workplaces and our world. Not only does she provide a relatable framework and tools for mastery of feedback, but the equally important context for why it matters and how it can reshape and enhance our human connections.”
Tracy Morrissey, HR Professional/Consultant
“One of the book’s remarkable strengths lies in its emphasis on the positive impact of feedback when it is approached with empathy and respect. By encouraging leaders to build trust and cultivate a safe environment, it empowers them to engage in candid and open conversations with their team members. The Leader’s Guide to Mastering Feedback offers actionable strategies to turn feedback sessions into opportunities for growth, ensuring that each interaction propels individuals and the organization forward.”
Susan Drumm, JD, MA, MCC, Bestselling Author of The Leader’s Playlist
“When pockets of gossip and mistrust affected our team, it was hard to know what to do. After several years of engaging in the practice of feedback through Joan’s training and coaching, we have developed a culture of openness and continual feedback that really makes a difference in how we collaborate and get work done. Our organization was lucky enough to receive lessons on feedback directly from Joan. And now, these critical lessons, for everyone from executives to emerging professionals, can be widely shared and implemented thanks to The Leader’s Guide to Mastering Feedback.”
Kris Skavish, Co-CEO, Two Octobers
“Virtually every leader I work with believes they are better at feedback skills than they actually are. This book addresses this essential aspect of leadership efficacy, offering comprehensive insights and step-by-step techniques to master the art of delivering constructive feedback. This book caters to leaders at every level, helping them navigate the complexities of giving feedback effectively.”
Evan J. Roth, Master Certified Coach
“Joan taps into one of the primary secrets of engagement and retention… the ability to give heartfelt and artful feedback to your team. She does not mince words but lays out a simple approach based on many years of experience. An approach that will absolutely ‘stick’ because it simply makes sense!”
Dr. Beverly Kaye, Thought Leader, Author, Keynote Speaker
“This book not only provides practical techniques for delivering feedback effectively, but it also offers insights into receiving feedback constructively. Joan’s ability to address both sides of the feedback equation makes this a well-rounded and holistic guide that can truly transform workplace dynamics by uplifting and supporting each other.”
Tamara Player, CEO
“In a world where effective leadership and continuous improvement are paramount, The Leader’s Guide to Mastering Feedback stands as a beacon of wisdom and practical guidance. This outstanding book, authored by Joan Hibdon, will be an indispensable resource for leaders focused on creating an organizational culture where people feel connected, are thriving, and achieving crucial organizational results.”
Allie Gehm, COO, Subrosa Investigations
“I can’t count how many times in my long leadership career I’ve talked about feedback—the importance of giving feedback, getting feedback, and the difference it can make. The Leader’s Guide to Mastering Feedback is the first comprehensive and useful guide on this topic that I have encountered. Joan’s personal experience, artfully woven in with data and tools, makes a point that is truly effective. I was particularly moved by the analogy of our employees being on stage performing for us, just as Joan performs musically for an audience, and the energy and beauty that comes from audience engagement (feedback), resulting in an amazing performance. I strongly recommend this book to leaders at all levels and ages. I plan to make this a staple for our organization’s leaders and can easily envision using the specific Reflections/Practices at the end of each chapter as tools for our team’s development. I look forward to the feedback and results that come from our team!”
Connie Perez, Healthcare Leader
“Honest and open dialogue between employees often defines how corporate cultures shape and evolve. Joan has tapped into this critical component for success.”
Marc Willency, Executive
"If you are a leader looking to master the art of giving feedback while empowering your team to achieve their full potential, this is the book for you. Joan provides practical advice on how to effectively offer feedback that is genuine, tailored to the individual, and supports and inspires growth. Her skillful use of real-life stories and analogies paints a clear picture of the importance of giving feedback and how to give it. The concepts she shares are easy to understand and apply. Her writing style creates an easy flow from story to concept and then to application. This is a realistic guide that encourages leaders to adopt a mindset of self-awareness, self-discovery, and personal improvement. At the end of each chapter, Joan includes key reflections, questions, and a self-affirming takeaway, creating an interactive experience that encourages both learning and application.”
Rachel Lutowsky, Executive and Leadership Coach
“Joan’s experience in the corporate and coaching world makes her uniquely qualified in offering feedback. Her passion for helping people combined with her workplace know-how creates a useful guide that will transform the culture of your organization. Everyone who communicates, and let’s face it, that’s all of us, can benefit from learning these skills!”
Rose Snyder, ACC, CPIC, Rose Snyder Coaching and Consulting