Change is the New Normal
Change is all around us.
It was a few short months ago when we all felt a sense of excitement. “A new year”, we exclaimed! New intentions and resolutions were made to ensure we’d have a successful year and reach the goals we wanted.
And, while many of us were planning for just what we wanted, something happened outside of our control…an unknown virus called Coronavirus creating a pandemic across the world. And just like that! – Snap! – life changed overnight.
We were asked to stay home. Schools closed and virtual learning occurred. Businesses required staff to work remotely. Non-essential enterprises were asked to shutter their doors until it was safe. Essential businesses were asked to stay open under extreme sanitary modifications. There was no ‘planning for change.’ Change happened.
When change happens, each person responds in their own natural way. I want to help you understand what is natural to you and to explore tools that may help you move through what you are experiencing.
Over the past several months, people have been going through what is known as the natural stages of change.
These stages are Denial, Resistance, Exploration and Commitment.
Regardless of whether you unconsciously respond or are consciously self-aware of these stages, you are going through them in one way or another.
Think about DENIAL and what that looks, feels, or sounds like.
Looks – sad faces, averted eyes
Feels – hopeless, shoulders tense, a desire to fight
Sounds – harsh words, short tempers. It is all there to experience and be experienced.
What does RESISTANCE look, feel or sound like?
Looks – pulling way, suspicious faces
Feels – tug of war or tight stomach
Sounds – hesitant words, sighs
What does EXPLORATION look, feel or sound like?
Looks – hopeful eyes, tentative smiles
Feels – heart opening, arms open
Sounds – words of possibility, lilt in the voice.
What does COMMITMENT look, feel or sound like?
Looks – open smiles, excited eyes
Feels – body is fully open, energetic
Sounds – words like, “Let’s try!” “Let’s do this”
The important thing in all of these stages is to: Notice where you are. Name what you are experiencing. Ask for help or for what you need.
Notice. Name. Ask.
These tools are extremely important during this new time in our lives as Change is our New Normal. We will never have some of the certainty, stability, clarity, simplicity, and comforts that once existed. And while the pandemic will pass, change will continue. When we can notice where we are, name what we are feeling and ask for help, we will be able to move through these stages more quickly.